My approach to Trauma Recovery incorporates a wide range of therapies including:
SE™- Somatic Experiencing
Areas of focus and specialties:
Chronic Pain
Motor Vehicle Accidents
Concussions & PTSD
Medical Trauma
Relational/Developmental Trauma
Dave Berger's:
BASE™-Bodywork and Somatic Education
Concussion and PTSD
Relational Development, Rupture & Repair
Eye of teh Needle
Kathy Kain's:
SE Touch Skills
Dr. Peter Levine
Power Dynamics & Intimacy
Trauma in the Public Eye
Aggression, Depression and Life Force
Ann & Joel Issacs’s:
Bodynamic Developmental Psychology
Roland William’s:
CENAPS Relapse Prevention
Dr. James Gordon’s:
Advanced Mind Body Medicine Groups
Larry Heller’s:
NARM™-Neuro Affective Relational Model
Raja Selvam’s:
ISP-Integral Somatic Psychotherapy
Ariel Giaretto and Tom Callanan’s:
Full Embodiment
Sexual Trauma
Strozzi Institute:
POET - The Power of Embodied Transformation
Steve Hoskinson:
Using SE in Play Therapy with Children
SE Trauma Therapy
Requirements to receive SEP Certificate
Personal SE Sessions: 4 hours
Case Consultations *see Notes section*: 4 Credit Hours
*It is strongly recommended that your personal sessions/consultations are distributed throughout your training as indicated to get maximum educational benefit. However, in the case that all sessions are not met before starting the next year of training, incomplete hours should be completed at the next level of training. Once you begin the first day of a new level of training, all sessions you receive must be given by a Provider approved to give credited sessions and/or consults at your current level of training. Before booking sessions, please verify on our website that the Provider is approved for your current training level.
** 3 hours of Group Case Consultation is equal to 1 Credit Hour of case consultation. For all individual case consults and personal sessions: 1 hour session = 1 credit hour.
This will ensure that all requirement will not be met without a participant ever personally presenting a case.Individual Case Consultation format. Participants must receive a minimum of 4 hours of the required 18 credit hours of Case Consultation in an Individual Case Consultation format. This will ensure that all requirements
will not be met without a participant ever personally presenting a case. -
Participants must have a minimum of 6 credit hours of the required 18 credit hours of Case Consultation with an Institute faculty member. This can be either in the Group or Individual
Case Consultation venue. Faculty members are listed on our website. -
We encourage you to obtain sessions from a variety of Providers who have been trained by different faculty members so that you may benefit from their diverse experience, education, backgrounds and styles.
Please mail or scan/email your completed session logs to the Institute upon completion of total required hours for SEP certificate. Keep a copy for your records; participants arresponsible for tracking their own session hours.